remaining present

The present moment is all that we have available to us. The past is over and living in the past often creates a feeling of depression or longing for the very reason that it is gone. The future is not yet available and living in the future often creates anxiety or worry. Bringing awareness back to the present moment alleviates symptoms, or suffering, about what has passed or what is yet to come.
There are two main routes to shift awareness into the present. One is through thoughts and emotions in the mind, and the other is through the body, or central nervous system. Awareness of thoughts, emotions, and sensations in the body help to automatically create regulation, or stability, in this complicated mechanism called being human.
Being able to regulate one’s self through the use of mindfulness/meditation and body awareness can lead to significant improvement in overall health and wellness. These techniques can be used in conjunction with solid pharmacological /medication management and will build resiliency within the individual.